Most popular eyeash conditioners

Latisse eyelash conditioner

Latisse eyelash conditioner

Latisse can be perceived as an eyelash conditioner of eyelash extending properties. The product is favoured mostly because of its efficiency and quick manner of working. The fact is, growth of eyelashes starts after several weeks since the beginning of the treatment. Moreover, eyelashes look as if they were denser, thicker, and darker. Unfortunately, these precious effects of the treatment do not last long because these tend to wear off after around a month since the treatment is over.

Latisse is closed in a white bottle of 3 ml capacity that is hidden in a little white box made of hard material. Furthermore, the dispenser, with which the bottle ends, is extremely easy to use. Thanks to it, we are able to distribute a single drop of the cosmetic to apply it along the upper eyelash base. Although the dispenser is fairly precise, Latisse is not an efficient product since it holds out for two up to three months of application.

While talking about application, it should be repeated every evening until the desired effects are produced.

In order to put Latisse on eyelids, you have to buy a brush in any cosmetic shop located near you. When you already have the applicator, distribute one drop of the eyelash conditioner on it – that is a suffice amount to nourish one eyelash base. Then, the applicator has to be thrown away. During this process, you have to be careful enough not to put the brush into eye. This might lead to painful irritation formation.

A person who has got sensitive eyelid skin, suffers from dermatological or eye sickness should consult a physician before starting Letisse treatment. The fact is, Letisse may irritate sensitive skin and lead to redness of skin or white of the eye, dry-out eyelid skin, cause swellings or any other kind of discomfort.


  • Extends eyelashes
  • Precise dispenser


  • Effects disappear after a month
  • May irritate
  • Troublesome application