Most popular eyeash conditioners

Neualash eyelash conditioner

Neualash eyelash conditioner

Neualash eyelash conditioner is sold in a silver and very good-looking bottle. It contains either 3,2 ml or 6 ml of the product. The phial is packed into a white, cardboard box safeguarding the product from any mechanical damage. Additionally, the box should contain also a leaflet.

Application of the eyelash conditioner is similar to drawing a line with an eyeliner. Both cosmetics are equipped with a little, pointy-ended brush. It enables to deliver the serum right into follicles of each and every eyelash, and at the same time, supply these with nourishing substances. Generally speaking, the composition of Neulash can boast about several natural ingredients such as biotin, panthenol, allatonine, pumpkin seed extract, glycerine and soya oil.

Both the natural substances and the ones, which make Naulash stay fresh for longer, are of significant importance in terms of eyelashes’ growth and regeneration. The first outcomes should be visible after around six weeks since the first application of the serum. On the other hand, the ultimate outcomes can be obtained a little bit later since after five months of everyday application (in other words, at the end of the treatment). Obvious is it, that each consumer can be affected with the product differently. To clarify, the period of time required for the effect achievement may vary accordingly to individual vulnerability to the ingredients composing Neulash.

Eyelashes, due to Neulash serum, should be longer, thicker and denser.

However, it may happen that the extension is almost invisible. On the other hand, what does improve is the condition of eyelashes since these turn into being much stronger, less prone to damages or falling-out. What is more, eyelashes are expected to be glossier, better nourished, prettier and healthier.


  • Two capacity versions of the eyelash conditioner
  • Nice package
  • Natural ingredients
  • Fast and easy application
  • Moisturizes and strengthens eyelashes


  • Neither it lengthens nor improves density significantly
  • The effects obtained depends on vulnerability to the composition
  • Must wait long for noticing any results